Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello all! Dzien dobry (good day) from Poland.

After a couple good Zywiec pivos (pivo is beer, pierogi are fried & stuffed with mushrooms, cabbage, cheese, etc., pierniki are gingerbread desserts which are local specialties here in Torun) last night, sleep came easily. But my body is still adjusting; I woke up at about 3:30, near dawn, and really didn't go back to sleep. It's amazing how we can function on almost no sleep, though my IQ takes a serious dip...

At Mass this morning in Swiata Katarczyni (Saint Catherine) church, the church assigned to the military academy we're at and right next door. 9:00 Mass and 10:30 Mass were standing room only; the sermon which I understood about 3 words of was a good 15 minutes long; Mass was nearly an hour. The man who sang sang beautifully. The Polish language is a beautiful language, I think most lovely in its liturgy.

Students are arriving this afternoon. We have something over a hundred. Ten of us teachers, with several American high school students as assistants. I've arranged my classroom and have my first lesson ready for tomorrow. Enjoying the relative relaxation of Sunday afternoon.

I'll post some pictures soon as we figure out how to...these computers in the teacher's lounge are not cutting-edge..



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